For many years, some of the biggest focuses of the automotive world, especially when it came to the production of high-performing cars, were speed, power, and luxury. Although these aspects are still at the forefront of the industry, today, a new element has joined them, taking its place among the factors prioritized by manufacturers and sought after by buyers who want to drive a Ferrari: sustainability.

Sustainability has become increasingly relevant in the world of automobiles over the last few years due to the worldwide pressing need to mitigate environmental impacts and address climate change.

Traditional internal combustion engine vehicles contribute significantly to greenhouse gas emissions, air pollution, and the depletion of finite natural resources. Since we have become more aware of these issues, both consumers and regulators have been pushing for greener alternatives.

This push has driven the development and adoption of many shifts, such as the increased production of electric vehicles, hybrid technologies, and fuel-efficient cars. These initiatives aim to reduce the overall carbon footprint of transportation.

Beyond the vehicles themselves, sustainability in the automotive industry has extended to encompass the entire lifecycle of vehicles’ production, usage, and disposal. Thus, we are seeing an increasing number of manufacturers searching for ways to embrace a more holistic approach to their vehicle production processes to make them even more environmentally friendly.

How Ferrari Has Committed Itself to Improved Sustainability

As a forward-thinking company, Ferrari has maintained an ongoing awareness of the environmental impact of its global operations and has dedicated itself to embracing sustainable practices and integrating them throughout its operations.

Therefore, reducing the company’s environmental impact and continually improving its environmental performance long-term are some of Ferrari’s top priorities. The following are some of the main ways that the Ferrari brand has committed itself to improved sustainability:

1. Sustainable development goals for 2030

The United Nations’ (UN) 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are the main components of the global aim to end poverty, protect the planet, and ensure prosperity for all by addressing essential areas like education, health, equality, and sustainability.

Ferrari recognizes the significance of these goals and has aligned each macro area of its Sustainability Plan to match up with specific SDGs that the company believes it can effectively contribute to.

In this plan, Ferrari outlines how it intends to contribute to 9 of the 17 SDGs, which it will do by focusing on three pillars relating to environmental, social, and governance changes.

2. Sustainability reporting

Ferrari found that the best way to guarantee a shift towards positive improvements with respect to sustainability would be to hold itself accountable for areas in need of change.

Thus, in 2019, Ferrari made the essential call to begin conducting yearly sustainability reporting. This way, it could track its progress on the path to improved sustainability while holding itself to the highest ethical and environmental standards.

Since then, Ferrari has continued reporting its environmental, social, and governance (ESG) efforts, recognizing its responsibilities beyond the legal and regulatory requirements.

In 2023, Ferrari even took things one step further, hiring Deloitte to function as an external auditor to assess the company’s sustainability practices and performance. This step has provided additional assurance that Ferrari’s report aligns with Global Reporting Initiative standards.

3. An eco-friendly factory

Even the state-of-the-art Ferrari factory located in Maranello, Italy is a demonstration of the company’s commitment to sustainability, as it is a perfect example of bioclimatic architecture.

With its photovoltaic and trigeneration systems and its massive solar array, the factory is almost entirely self-sufficient in terms of its energy production, and its carefully thought-out design also allows for reduced CO2 emissions. As well, the factory features plenty of green areas for its employees to enjoy.

4. Green-driven design compromises

Although Ferrari is set on doing everything it can to be more eco-friendly, and the company has redirected the focus of its cars’ designs to emphasize this priority, they do not want to lose some of the features of a Ferrari that are part of its core identity, such as the legendary sound of its engine.

Thus, while Ferrari is not interested in rolling out entirely electric cars, which would have silent engines and lose the throaty rumble of their vehicles, they are set on producing hybrids that are increasingly sustainable while still feeling like true Ferraris.

Ferrari is already starting to implement certain eco-friendly design changes, such as stop-start technology. However, the company plans to spend roughly €250 million on research and development on lowering its cars’ emissions and those produced by its production line.

5. Striving for certification

Sometimes, it can be difficult to quantify improvement in the realm of sustainability, but Ferrari does not seem to have any trouble in this domain. One of the most recent ways that Ferrari has demonstrated its strides toward sustainability is by achieving the highest level of FIA environmental accreditation program certification from the Fédération Internationale de l’Automobile.

This program is based on established best practices in environmental sustainability, primarily the ISO 14001:2015 standards. Ferrari was only able to receive this certification thanks to its meticulous management of energy requirements.

How You Can Drive a Ferrari With One of Ultimate Exotics’ Supercar Driving Experiences

One of the most impressive things about Ferrari’s commitment to enhanced sustainability is that they have managed to make considerable strides in this area without compromising the performance of their vehicles.

If you would like to test this out for yourself and drive a Ferrari, Ultimate Exotics can provide you with the rare opportunity of a Ferrari driving experience.

With Ultimate Exotics, not only can you get behind the wheel of an impressive Ferrari driving experience, but you can also test drive a number of other top-notch luxury supercars, including a Lamborghini, a McLaren, a Corvette, and an Audi, all of which belong to our unmatched super fleet.

Our driving experiences have been custom-tailored to maximize your enjoyment. Indeed, we designed a route that goes through some of the most breathtaking parts of Southern Ontario, allowing you to see parts of the Niagara Escarpment and some of the Great Lakes while driving around in the car of your dreams.

Before you take off, you will get a quick but effective training session from one of our supercar professionals to ensure that you are comfortable behind the wheel of a high-performing car. During the experience, you will have many great photo opportunities so that you can reserve ultimate bragging rights among your friends and colleagues afterward.

For more information about how you can drive a Ferrari during one of our experiences, or to learn more about the route that you will drive along during the experience, call Ultimate Exotics at (888) 814-8687 or contact us here.