Lamborghinis have an incredible reputation around the world for being one of the fastest and most luxurious supercars to exist. This is a big part of why they are so sought after by automobile enthusiasts everywhere. A large element of Lamborghini’s fame also comes from its cutting-edge designs and state-of-the-art technology.

However, despite the fact that these cars are defined by such futuristic features, the factory where they are produced is shockingly old-school, favouring time-honoured traditions and craftsmanship over modern advancements and efficiency-oriented automation.

Although many automobile manufacturers today are embracing robotics in their factories to make their cars faster and with less manual labour, the Italian plant where all Lambos are produced functions very differently.

The Lamborghini factory only has two robots in total. The majority of the production process is done by hand, since the company embraces the skills of its engineers and technicians, training all of them in-house until they reach the level of mastery that these top-notch vehicles demand.

These highly-trained workers assemble each Lambo together by hand. The company finds this process to be the only way to ensure that every vehicle is perfected so that they can live up to the high expectations of their valued customers who want the Lamborghini driving experience.

Where are Lamborghinis made?

Every Lamborghini ever made was hand-built in the company’s factory in Sant’Agata, Bolognese, Italy. This is a small town located just 20 miles outside of Bologna and not too far from Maranello, where Lamborhini’s biggest rival, Ferrari, is based. This factory is open from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., Monday to Friday.

However, the nearby carbon fibre plant must operate three shifts in order to keep up with Lamborghini’s high demand. This factory has been in the same location since 1963, and essentially every Lamborghini to ever come out of the factory has been test-driven on the streets of Sant’Agata.

What goes into the Lamborghini production process?

The assembly process that Lamborghini has adopted and maintained over the years combines the efforts of manual labour and technological assistance to guarantee the highest level of precision and quality in each vehicle produced.

The Lamborghini production process prioritizes quality over speed and efficiency, which is why there are often longer waiting times for customers who want a Lamborghini experience.

The results, though, speak for themselves, proving that the end products are certainly worth the wait. The following are some of the main steps of the Lamborghini production process:

1. Body panel arrival

The vehicles’ bodies and body panels arrive at the Sant’Agata factory pre-painted and wrapped in protective plastic. Once that plastic is removed, thick covers are installed to ensure that no paint scratches occur on the assembly line.

2. Progress from station to station

Each Lamborghini model has its own specialty assembly line. Depending on the model in production, there are varying numbers of stations that the vehicle must go through as it is passed along.

For instance, the Aventador is passed between 12 different stations over the course of a 90-minute process. The Huracán goes through 23 different stations in just 40 minutes. At each station, anywhere from one to three workers perform a single task, contributing to the vehicle’s overall production.

3. Receiving parts from outside suppliers

Because Lamborghini does not have a foundry, the powerful 10- and 12-cylinder engines that power their vehicles are manufactured by outside suppliers and shipped to the Sant’Agata factory.

Once they arrive at the factory, they are assembled entirely by hand, and then they are bench-tested. This is also where one of the few two robots in the factory comes into play. Here, it is this robot’s job to move these heavy 300-kilogram engines from one place to another and place them within the chassis of each vehicle.

All parts of the Lamborghini interiors, including the seats, knee bolsters, and door panels, are also made outside the factory. The upholstery shop, where these items are made, ships them to the factory for installation.

When this upholstery arrives, the leather and Alcantara panels are tested in a special booth where various lighting conditions are replicated to ensure they are the same colour.

4. Finishing touches

The vehicles receive their final touches in the factory’s paint shop, where flawless finishes are created. One of the ways that buyers can customize their Lamborghini to suit their own personal style is by selecting unique colours for their cars, and this is handled in the paint shop.

5. Testing

Once a car is complete, it must be rigorously tested to ensure it meets Lamborghini’s high standards. The initial round of testing involves the use of lasers and cameras that check and analyze every part, from the suspension to the body panels, to ensure that everything is correctly aligned.

Following this, the car is then run on a dyno, which is essentially like a treadmill for cars, for a total of 40 minutes at a top speed of 180 km/h to ensure that all of the mechanical components work properly.

Finally, once the vehicle passes the first two tests, it must be taken on a 20- to 30-minute test drive on public roads to see how it handles.

How Ultimate Exotics Can Give You the Rare Opportunity to Drive a Lamborghini

Now that you know the amount of work and craftsmanship that goes into producing each Lamborghini at their impressive factory in the Italian countryside, you can truly see why these vehicles are considered as works of art. Your desire to drive a Lamborghini is probably at an all-time high, right?

Well, you are in luck. Thanks to Ultimate Exotics’ supercar driving experiences, you can take a Lamborghini out on the road and experience the results of all the masterful work firsthand.

Not only will you get to sit behind the wheel of a Lamborghini, and see and feel the incredible details that are part of this incredible Lamborghini experience, but you will also drive it along one of the most scenic routes in Southern Ontario, feeling the true force and power of this car.

In addition to having the opportunity to test drive a Lamborghini for the day, you will also get access to several other highly sought-after luxury vehicles in our impressive fleet, including a Ferrari, a Corvette, a McLaren, and an Audi.

Our supercar experiences include plenty of great photo opportunities so that you can take mementos with you to always remember this day. Plus, you can enjoy some complimentary cappuccino or espresso to fully indulge in the luxury that this experience has to offer.

For more information about how you can drive a Lamborghini during one of our experiences, or to learn more about the differences between the various packages we have to offer, call Ultimate Exotics at (888) 814-8687 or contact us here.